Notch effect

In: Computation concepts

Notches affect the final fatigue life in two ways. They influence local stress/strain fields by forming a highly stressed areas. The size of such an area and the related stress/strain gradients are expected to relate to the final damage. The Weibull weakest link concept assumes that as the highly stressed area broadens, the probability, that some weak link in the microstructure initiates a micro-crack, increases.

The highly stressed areas are also affected by induced plasticity if we are evaluating in the low-cycle fatigue regime. The plasticity forbids to use the linear Hooke's law. The solution how to prepare inputs for an e-N curve based calculation method utilizes:

* Effect of localized plasticity

* Transient analysis


Stressed area effect

Effect of localized plasticity

Transient analysis

© PragTic, 2007

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